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Prince George May Have Been Photoshopped And Our Faith In Humanity Is Destroyed

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 27 April 2014 | 01:18

Seriously, US Weekly?
Prince George may have been sad that his trip to Australia ended on Friday, but we have a feeling he might be even more upset about this: Us Weekly has been accused of Photoshopping him on the cover of their latest issue.
Now, we're not saying they made him look thinner or tried to fake a thigh gap (thank GOODNESS), but there is something a little Instagram-y about the photo. His eyes are a little lighter, his skin is a little tanner -- it kind of looks like they went ahead and slapped a good old Valencia filter on him. Time reports that the mag has denied retouching the photo, claiming the color was changed for printing purposes.
But this incident raises the question, "When will it end?" We already see Photoshopped models and adult celebrities on the pages of just about every magazine we flip through, but now it looks like babies are being subjected to the same treatment. Don't worry, Georgie. We think you're perfect just the way you are.
Check out the photos below. Do you think the prince has been enhanced?
prince george us weekly

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